Synthetic Reservoir Model / Petroleum Learning Centre
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The synthetic model called SRM-6 provides researchers with a convenient tool for performing computations on automated history matching of hydrocarbon reservoir models.

About the Model

SRM-6, the Synthetic Reservoir Model with 6 wells (3 injection, 3 production), is a numerical model, which consists of the grid of 18 x 24 x 15, or 6 480 cells in total. The area size is 1800 x 2400 meters, the thickness of the target layer is 11-14 meters.
  • 3D numerical oil reservoir model constructed in Petrel and Eclipse software
  • Waterflood development with 7 years of history
  • The model is convenient for multiple numerical experiments
  • Includes the workflow for automated history matching
  • Model size is ~22 MB (including truth case и base case)
  • A simulation run takes ~24 sec at Intel Core i7-9700 CPU 3.6GHz, 32GB RAM


  • Currently, geological and hydrodynamic models are widely used in the development of hydrocarbon fields. They allow integrating complex reservoir data, simulate fluid flow and help to make more informed decisions on field development. Building and «calibration» models with historical data is a non-trivial and complex task that requires extensive knowledge and skills of a specialist.
  • The presence of characteristic properties inherent in models of real hydrocarbon fields, knowledge of the true values of the model parameters and historical data, as well as a high computational speed allow the SRM-6 model to be used in multiple numerical experiments.
  • Based on the equation of fluid flow in porous media and numerical experiments, 8 parameters were selected as control variables. These parameters most strongly affect the flow dynamics, and have, as a rule, the greatest uncertainty. The evolution strategy was chosen as an optimization algorithm for history matching. The automated process of model construction and history matching is implemented as a fully customizable workflow. The parameters of the model and optimization algorithms can be set by researchers and students in accordance with their goals.

Usage rights

  • The access to the model does not give the right to redistribute or share the data in any way.
  • Every research paper or other materials built on this model should include the reference to Tomsk Polytechnic University and Grachik Eremyan.

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